by Manolis Spanakis

Sunday, 17 May 2015

How to lie with statistics

Like the number of Olympic gold medals, the number of Blue Flag Beach awards is used to boost national pride. In the Olympic games of 2012, the USA, with a population of more than 320 million, won 46 gold medals and 103 medals in total. For this reason USA is thought to be the first sporting nation in the world. You need about 3 million north Americans to find a medallist, and about 7 million, to find a gold medallist. At the same time, Hungary, with a population of only 10 million, won 18 medals, 8 of which were golden. You will find a medallist in 0.5 million, and a gold medallist in 1.25 million Hungarians. Olympic champions are about 6 times more frequent among Hungarians compared to north Americans. I think, this statistic is much more relevant to natural talent, tradition, infrastructure and investment in sports.

List of Olympic superpowers as the superpowers present it:

Rank NOC Gold Silver Bronze Total
1  United States (USA) 46 28 29 103
2  China (CHN) 38 28 22 88
3  Great Britain (GBR)* 29 17 19 65
4  Russia (RUS) 24 25 32 81
5  South Korea (KOR) 13 8 7 28
6  Germany (GER) 11 19 14 44
7  France (FRA) 11 11 12 34
8  Italy (ITA) 8 9 11 28
9  Hungary (HUN) 8 4 6 18
10  Australia (AUS) 7 16 12 35
11  Japan (JPN) 7 14 17 38
12  Kazakhstan (KAZ) 7 1 5 13
13  Netherlands (NED) 6 6 8 20
14  Ukraine (UKR) 6 5 9 20
15  New Zealand (NZL) 6 2 5 13
16  Cuba (CUB) 5 3 7 15
17  Iran (IRI) 4 5 3 12
18  Jamaica (JAM) 4 4 4 12
19  Czech Republic (CZE) 4 3 3 10
20  North Korea (PRK) 4 0 2 6
21  Spain (ESP) 3 10 4 17
22  Brazil (BRA) 3 5 9 17
23  South Africa (RSA) 3 2 1 6
24  Ethiopia (ETH) 3 1 3 7
25  Croatia (CRO) 3 1 2 6
26  Belarus (BLR) 2 5 5 12
27  Romania (ROU) 2 5 2 9
28  Kenya (KEN) 2 4 5 11
29  Denmark (DEN) 2 4 3 9
30  Azerbaijan (AZE) 2 2 6 10
 Poland (POL) 2 2 6 10
32  Turkey (TUR) 2 2 1 5
33  Switzerland (SUI) 2 2 0 4
34  Lithuania (LTU) 2 1 2 5
35  Norway (NOR) 2 1 1 4
36  Canada (CAN) 1 5 12 18
37  Sweden (SWE) 1 4 3 8
38  Colombia (COL) 1 3 4 8
39  Georgia (GEO) 1 3 3 7
 Mexico (MEX) 1 3 3 7
41  Ireland (IRL) 1 1 3 5
42  Argentina (ARG) 1 1 2 4
 Serbia (SRB) 1 1 2 4
 Slovenia (SLO) 1 1 2 4
45  Tunisia (TUN) 1 1 1 3
46  Dominican Republic (DOM) 1 1 0 2
47  Trinidad and Tobago (TRI) 1 0 3 4
48  Uzbekistan (UZB) 1 0 2 3
49  Latvia (LAT) 1 0 1 2
50  Algeria (ALG) 1 0 0 1
 Bahamas (BAH) 1 0 0 1
 Grenada (GRN) 1 0 0 1
 Uganda (UGA) 1 0 0 1
 Venezuela (VEN) 1 0 0 1
55  India (IND) 0 2 4 6
56  Mongolia (MGL) 0 2 3 5
57  Thailand (THA) 0 2 1 3
58  Egypt (EGY) 0 2 0 2
59  Slovakia (SVK) 0 1 3 4
60  Armenia (ARM) 0 1 2 3
 Belgium (BEL) 0 1 2 3
 Finland (FIN) 0 1 2 3
63  Bulgaria (BUL) 0 1 1 2
 Estonia (EST) 0 1 1 2
 Indonesia (INA) 0 1 1 2
 Malaysia (MAS) 0 1 1 2
 Puerto Rico (PUR) 0 1 1 2
 Chinese Taipei (TPE) 0 1 1 2
69  Botswana (BOT) 0 1 0 1
 Cyprus (CYP) 0 1 0 1
 Gabon (GAB) 0 1 0 1
 Guatemala (GUA) 0 1 0 1
 Montenegro (MNE) 0 1 0 1
 Portugal (POR) 0 1 0 1
75  Greece (GRE) 0 0 2 2
 Moldova (MDA) 0 0 2 2
 Qatar (QAT) 0 0 2 2
 Singapore (SIN) 0 0 2 2
79  Afghanistan (AFG) 0 0 1 1
 Bahrain (BRN) 0 0 1 1
 Hong Kong (HKG) 0 0 1 1
 Saudi Arabia (KSA) 0 0 1 1
 Kuwait (KUW) 0 0 1 1
 Morocco (MAR) 0 0 1 1
 Tajikistan (TJK) 0 0 1 1
Total (85 NOCs) 302 303 356 961

List of Olympic superpowers according to physical talent, culture, tradition and investment

Rank of Gold Population Population Olympic rank Gold population
Mean Mean Mean Mean
Country Grenada 1 103328 50 103328
Jamaica 2 2717991 18 679498
New Zealand 3 4582280 15 763713
Hungary 4 9849000 9 1231125
Trinidad and Tobago 5 1328019 47 1328019
Croatia 6 4267558 25 1422519
Lithuania 7 2908227 34 1454114
Latvia 8 1985600 49 1985600
Slovenia 9 2066638 42 2066638
Cuba 10 11210064 16 2242013
Kazakhstan 11 17458500 12 2494071
Norway 12 5165802 35 2582901
Czech Republic 13 10538275 19 2634569
Netherlands 14 16902500 13 2817083
Denmark 15 5668743 29 2834372
Australia 16 23845200 10 3406457
Georgia 17 3729500 39 3729500
South Korea 18 51342881 5 3949452
Switzerland 19 8236600 33 4118300
Ireland 20 4609600 41 4609600
Belarus 21 9481000 26 4740500
Azerbaijan 22 9611700 30 4805850
France 23 66121000 7 6011000
Russia 24 146267288 4 6094470
North Korea 25 25155000 20 6288750
United States 26 321006000 1 6978391
Serbia 27 7146759 42 7146759
Ukraine 28 42895704 14 7149284
Germany 29 81083600 6 7371236
Italy 30 60788845 8 7598606
Sweden 31 9767357 37 9767357
Romania 32 19942642 27 9971321
Tunisia 33 10982754 45 10982754
Dominican Republic 34 12957394 46 12957394
Spain 35 46464053 21 15488018
South Africa 36 54002000 23 18000667
Japan 37 126910000 11 18130000
Poland 38 38484000 30 19242000
Iran 39 78339400 17 19584850
Kenya 40 46749000 28 23374500
Ethiopia 41 90076012 24 30025337
Uzbekistan 42 30492800 48 30492800
Venezuela 43 30620404 50 30620404
Uganda 44 34856813 50 34856813
Canada 45 35702707 36 35702707
China 46 1369860000 2 36048947
Turkey 47 77695904 32 38847952
Algeria 48 40400000 50 40400000
Argentina 49 43131966 42 43131966
Colombia 50 48128600 38 48128600
Brazil 51 204316000 22 68105333
Mexico 52 121005815 39 121005815
Of course, whether Granada is a true superpower in sports or it just happened to win a gold medal in the last Olympic games, remains to be confirmed by its average performance in the past few Olympiads. We can still confidently say that Jamaica is a superpower as it always positions itself among the leaders in our collective memory.
We also see that most of the top-20 countries were part of the ex-USSR and of the eastern block, a place where sports were boosted for decades, creating infrastructure, culture and, now, tradition.
In contrast, the self proclaimed superpowers, USA, China, Russia, Germany, France, UK, Spain or Italy, rank below the 20th place and are comparable to North Correa, Tunisia or Uganda.
Here is the country ranking according to the total number of medals won; this ranking is somewhat more reliable because it its based on a more general performance of the countries rather than on the gold medals won only.

Rank of Medal Population Population Olympic rank Medal population
Country Grenada 1 103328 50 103328
Jamaica 2 2717991 18 226499
Trinidad and Tobago 3 1328019 47 332005
New Zealand 4 4582280 15 352483
Slovenia 5 2066638 42 516660
Georgia 6 3729500 39 532786
Hungary 7 9849000 9 547167
Lithuania 8 2908227 34 581645
Mongolia 9 3018084 56 603617
Montenegro 10 620029 69 620029
Denmark 11 5668743 29 629860
Estonia 12 1313271 63 656636
Australia 13 23845200 10 681291
Croatia 14 4267558 25 711260
Cuba 15 11210064 16 747338
Belarus 16 9481000 26 790083
Netherlands 17 16902500 13 845125
Cyprus 18 858000 69 858000
Ireland 19 4609600 41 921920
Azerbaijan 20 9611700 30 961170
Latvia 21 1985600 49 992800
Armenia 22 3013900 60 1004633
Czech Republic 23 10538275 19 1053828
Qatar 24 2334029 75 1167015
Sweden 25 9767357 37 1220920
Norway 26 5165802 35 1291451
Bahrain 27 1316500 79 1316500
Kazakhstan 28 17458500 12 1342962
Slovakia 29 5421349 59 1355337
Gabon 30 1751000 69 1751000
Puerto Rico 31 3548397 63 1774199
Moldova 32 3555200 75 1777600
Serbia 33 7146759 42 1786690
Russia 34 146267288 4 1805769
Finland 35 5478002 60 1826001
South Korea 36 51342881 5 1833674
Germany 37 81083600 6 1842809
France 38 66121000 7 1944735
Canada 39 35702707 36 1983484
Botswana 40 2056000 69 2056000
Switzerland 41 8236600 33 2059150
Ukraine 42 42895704 14 2144785
Italy 43 60788845 8 2171030
Romania 44 19942642 27 2215849
Spain 45 46464053 21 2733180
Singapore 46 5469700 75 2734850
United States 47 321006000 1 3116563
Kuwait 48 3268431 79 3268431
Japan 49 126910000 11 3339737
Bulgaria 50 7202198 63 3601099
Tunisia 51 10982754 45 3660918
Belgium 52 11239755 60 3746585
Poland 53 38484000 30 3848400
North Korea 54 25155000 20 4192500
Kenya 55 46749000 28 4249909
Greece 56 10816286 75 5408143
Colombia 57 48128600 38 6016075
Dominican Republic 58 12957394 46 6478697
Iran 59 78339400 17 6528283
Tajikistan 60 8354000 79 8354000
South Africa 61 54002000 23 9000333
Uzbekistan 62 30492800 48 10164267
Portugal 63 10477800 69 10477800
Argentina 64 43131966 42 10782992
Brazil 65 204316000 22 12018588
Ethiopia 66 90076012 24 12868002
Malaysia 67 30583300 63 15291650
Turkey 68 77695904 32 15539181
China 69 1369860000 2 15566591
Guatemala 70 15806675 69 15806675
Mexico 71 121005815 39 17286545
Thailand 72 65104000 57 21701333
Afghanistan 73 27101365 79 27101365
Venezuela 74 30620404 50 30620404
Saudi Arabia 75 31521418 79 31521418
Morocco 76 33848242 79 33848242
Uganda 77 34856813 50 34856813
Algeria 78 40400000 50 40400000
Egypt 79 88522300 58 44261150
Indonesia 80 255461700 63 127730850
India 81 1271260000 55 211876667
The Blue Flag Beach (BFB) awards
Now let’s see how the propaganda goes with respect to BFB awards.
The number of BFB awards won by a country is supposed to indicate the level of respect for the environment shown by the local population (a cultural aspect of the nation), the level of investment of the local population and of the Ministry of Environment of the country, the natural beauty of the country’s coastline, and finally serves as an attraction for tourists; invest in BFB for tourism rewards, sort of thing.
All Greek newspapers as well as news web sites did not omit to report, the other day, that Greece was ranked 3rd in BFB awards. I was intrigued, because none of the articles mention the 1st and the 2nd country! No wander, Span was first and even Turkey, the fiercest competitor, did better than Greece! Say that to the Greeks, in full crisis, and you put them in deep national depression.
But what are those BFB awards and how are they distributed? It is true that the criteria are hard to meet. However, the manager of a beach must also invest, apply and pay for the right to participate. A first factor to consider is, therefore, whether or not the country invests in beach tourism, and lives from it at least partially. Otherwise, who cares for obtaining BFB awards? No matter how environmentally conscious and sensitive the northern peoples may be, for example, there is no way to convince tourists to go and bathe in Greenland’s (Denmark's), Alaska’s or Siberia’s beaches, So not many applications for a BFB award are made from such countries. This is irrelevant to whether or not the coastline of such countries is sound and their beaches deserve a blue flag.
Another factor to consider is country’s physical potential, i.e. the length of the coastline. Countries with long coastlines will naturally earn more BFB awards compared to countries with short coastlines and similar environmental sensitivity and touristic interest, and there is no merit whatsoever for the bigger countries in that case. The number of BFB awards must, therefore, first be standardised for the length of the coastline.
Then, in terms of tourist attraction, what matters is how far one has to travel, on average, in order to find a BFB and how crowded would that beach is expected to be. The first matter is a function of the length of the coastline, and the second, a function of the native population size. Suppose, for the sake of simplicity; that 1 person in 1000 goes to the coast at any time, the average crowding of a beach would be the population divided by 1000 and, then, by the number of BFB in the country.
The following table shows the ranking of countries by number of BFB awards, as this was officially published and promoted by the media.

Rank of Blue Flag Beaches Blue Flag Beaches Population Coastline (km) Blue Flag Beaches per 1000000 Population Blue Flag Beaches per 100 km coastline Crowding (expected bathers per BFB)
Country Spain 1 578 45828172 6777 10.76 7.27 6304
Turkey 2 436 71517100 7200 3.90 3.88 18432
Greece 3 395 11257285 13676 37.75 3.11 3620
France(inc.territories) 4 285 65073482 4668 4.38 6.11 10650
Italy 6 225 60067554 7600 3.75 2.96 20293
Portugal 6 225 10627250 2753 21.17 8.17 1301
Denmark 7 209 5515287 7314 37.89 2.86 1928
Croatia 8 114 4435056 5835 25.70 1.95 2274
United Kingdom 9 105 61634599 12429 1.70 .84 73375
South Africa 10 82 52980000 2798 1.55 2.93 18082
Ireland 11 74 4422100 1448 16.73 5.11 865
Cyprus 12 53 801600 648 66.12 8.18 98
Netherlands 13 41 16525751 815 2.48 5.03 3285
Germany 14 39 82046000 2389 .48 1.63 50335
Sweden 15 38 9283722 3218 4.09 1.18 7868
Morocco 16 25 31538660 1835 .51 .87 36251
Montenegro 17 19 624000 294 30.45 6.46 97
Canada 18 11 33739900 202080 .12 .00 .
Latvia 19 9 1990300 498 4.50 1.81 1100
Bulgaria 21 7 7606551 354 .92 1.98 3842
Dominican Republic 21 7 10090000 1288 .69 .54 18685
Malta 23 6 413627 197 2.42 .51 811
Slovenia 23 6 2038193 74 2.94 8.11 251
Belgium 26 5 10754528 67 .46 7.46 1442
Lithuania 26 5 3349872 90 1.49 5.56 602
Poland 26 5 38100700 440 .13 1.14 33422
Puerto Rico 26 5 3982000 501 1.26 1.00 3982
Tunisia 26 5 10327800 1148 .48 .44 23472
Norway 29 4 4830000 25148 .62 .01 483000
Iceland 31 2 319326 4970 6.26 .04 7983
New Zealand 31 2 4318700 15134 .46 .01 431870
Bahamas 34 0 342000 3542 .00 .00 .
Finland 34 0 5340806 1250 .00 .00 .
Romania 34 0 21498616 225 .00 .00 .
Russia 34 0 141867000 37653 .00 .00 .
This is how the countries rank according to the frequency of BFB per 100 km. That is to say, how many BFB a tourist will find, on average, within a radius of 50 km from any point on the coastline.
Rank of BFB per100 km Blue Flag Beaches Population Coastline (km) Blue Flag Beaches per 1000000 Population Blue Flag Beaches per 100 km coastline Crowding (expected bathers per BFB)
Country Cyprus 1 53 801600 648 66.12 8.18 98
Portugal 2 225 10627250 2753 21.17 8.17 1301
Slovenia 3 6 2038193 74 2.94 8.11 251
Belgium 4 5 10754528 67 .46 7.46 1442
Spain 5 578 45828172 6777 10.76 7.27 6304
Montenegro 6 19 624000 294 30.45 6.46 97
France(inc.territories) 7 285 65073482 4668 4.38 6.11 10650
Lithuania 8 5 3349872 90 1.49 5.56 602
Ireland 9 74 4422100 1448 16.73 5.11 865
Netherlands 10 41 16525751 815 2.48 5.03 3285
Turkey 11 436 71517100 7200 3.90 3.88 18432
Greece 12 395 11257285 13676 37.75 3.11 3620
Italy 13 225 60067554 7600 3.75 2.96 20293
South Africa 14 82 52980000 2798 1.55 2.93 18082
Denmark 15 209 5515287 7314 37.89 2.86 1928
Bulgaria 16 7 7606551 354 .92 1.98 3842
Croatia 17 114 4435056 5835 25.70 1.95 2274
Latvia 18 9 1990300 498 4.50 1.81 1100
Germany 19 39 82046000 2389 .48 1.63 50335
Sweden 20 38 9283722 3218 4.09 1.18 7868
Poland 21 5 38100700 440 .13 1.14 33422
Puerto Rico 22 5 3982000 501 1.26 1.00 3982
Morocco 23 25 31538660 1835 .51 .87 36251
United Kingdom 24 105 61634599 12429 1.70 .84 73375
Dominican Republic 25 7 10090000 1288 .69 .54 18685
Malta 26 6 413627 197 2.42 .51 811
Tunisia 27 5 10327800 1148 .48 .44 23472
Iceland 28 2 319326 4970 6.26 .04 7983
New Zealand 30 2 4318700 15134 .46 .01 431870
Norway 30 4 4830000 25148 .62 .01 483000
Bahamas 33 0 342000 3542 .00 .00 .
Canada 33 11 33739900 202080 .12 .00 .
Finland 33 0 5340806 1250 .00 .00 .
Romania 33 0 21498616 225 .00 .00 .
Russia 33 0 141867000 37653 .00 .00 .
Greece falls at the 12th place. Not too bad, but quite disappointing for a country that wants to be a world class cultural, environmental and touristic superpower.
And, finally, a tourist usually likes beaches with vital space. We do not like crowds on the beach.
Overcrowded beach in italy
Overcrowded beach in Italy
Overcrowded beach2  Overcrowded beach
Overcrowded beaches in China
Overcrowded beach in spain Overcrowded beach in spain 2
Overcrowded beaches in Spain
Overcrowded beach in malta
Overcrowded beach in Malta

Well, how do countries rank with respect to crowding? how many people do you expect to find in a BFB in each of the competing countries?
Rank of Crowding Blue Flag Beaches Population Coastline (km) Blue Flag Beaches per 1000000 Population Blue Flag Beaches per 100 km coastline Crowding (expected bathers per BFB)
Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean
Country Montenegro 1 19 624000 294 30.45 6.46 97
Cyprus 2 53 801600 648 66.12 8.18 98
Slovenia 3 6 2038193 74 2.94 8.11 251
Lithuania 4 5 3349872 90 1.49 5.56 602
Malta 5 6 413627 197 2.42 .51 811
Ireland 6 74 4422100 1448 16.73 5.11 865
Latvia 7 9 1990300 498 4.50 1.81 1100
Portugal 8 225 10627250 2753 21.17 8.17 1301
Belgium 9 5 10754528 67 .46 7.46 1442
Denmark 10 209 5515287 7314 37.89 2.86 1928
Croatia 11 114 4435056 5835 25.70 1.95 2274
Netherlands 12 41 16525751 815 2.48 5.03 3285
Greece 13 395 11257285 13676 37.75 3.11 3620
Bulgaria 14 7 7606551 354 .92 1.98 3842
Puerto Rico 15 5 3982000 501 1.26 1.00 3982
Spain 16 578 45828172 6777 10.76 7.27 6304
Sweden 17 38 9283722 3218 4.09 1.18 7868
Iceland 18 2 319326 4970 6.26 .04 7983
France(inc.territories) 19 285 65073482 4668 4.38 6.11 10650
South Africa 20 82 52980000 2798 1.55 2.93 18082
Turkey 21 436 71517100 7200 3.90 3.88 18432
Dominican Republic 22 7 10090000 1288 .69 .54 18685
Italy 23 225 60067554 7600 3.75 2.96 20293
Tunisia 24 5 10327800 1148 .48 .44 23472
Poland 25 5 38100700 440 .13 1.14 33422
Morocco 26 25 31538660 1835 .51 .87 36251
Germany 27 39 82046000 2389 .48 1.63 50335
United Kingdom 28 105 61634599 12429 1.70 .84 73375
New Zealand 29 2 4318700 15134 .46 .01 431870
Norway 30 4 4830000 25148 .62 .01 483000
Bahamas . 0 342000 3542 .00 .00 .
Canada . 11 33739900 202080 .12 .00 .
Finland . 0 5340806 1250 .00 .00 .
Romania . 0 21498616 225 .00 .00 .
Russia . 0 141867000 37653 .00 .00 .
Greece is still in a desperate 13th position. The only consolation is that its main competitors, Spain and Turkey, do even worse.
H000013 - Copie
Assos beach in the island of Cephalonia, Greece.