- I am A God.
- I spent most of my early eternity designing constants, lines, shapes and volumes. For example, the shape that amused me most was the circle; you know, the shape that is made of a closed curved line of some 3.14 times the length of the distance between any two anti-diametrical points.
- The great thing about a circle is that nobody - no matter how omnipotent can be - nobody can make a square that has the same surface as a given circle. Even I, the most omnipotent of all gods, couldn't do it. But I could imagine it and I can take all the credit for it, thank you very much.
- I even designed the Chaos. The chaos was another of my great amusements because no matter how far you go from it, or how close you get, you always see the same mesmerizing complex picture. It is evolving and yet it is constant ! it is extremely simple and still extremely complex. It is "self-similar", as they say.
- While observing the beauty of my latest designs of chaos, one day (well, one moment I should really say, because the day and the night did not exist at those days... hmm... moments) I had the idea to design the man in my image and likeness: that would be a small living thing that is similar to myself (the big thing); and its parts are similar to himself; and the parts of his parts are similar to his parts and similar to himself and to myself; and we are all self-similar.
- In fact, if you think carefully, all my deistic attributes are also attributes of the subatomic particles that I created (or created me): Aseity, Eternity, Immanence, Immutability, Impeccability, Incorporeality, Omnibenevolence, Omnipotence, Omnipresence, Omniscience, Oneness, Simplicity, Transcendence, Trinity, Veracity... Not that we have no differences between us, particularly so in the way we are subjectively perceived by our creations (Graciousness, Love, Holiness, Jealousy, Mission, Righteousness, Wrath...)
- I, obviously, had several solutions for the making of man, because I am very intelligent. I know that You, and every other god, may have even different solutions for the same objective, but let me describe my design first:
- I needed matter. I also needed spirit but that was not a problem because I have spirit (I, actually, am spirit) and I would give him some of mine.
- So I needed to make stars (light; matter and energy)
- That was easy; all I needed was to produce a big bang. The constants, the circles, all of the shapes and the self-similarity of the universe were all there; I had already designed them.
- To make the long story short, and because man was supposed to live in cool environments, I also needed to make some planets (small parts of stars that cool down faster).
- All these were nice and round, with almost spherical volume and circular intersection and movement and the whole thing was beautiful as a complex system of complex objects within the chaos.
- And the parts of the objects were themselves similar to the objects, with satellites turning around them like the electrons of an atom of a molecule of the matter of an object of a star-system of a galaxy.
- And I was in the middle of it all, as well as very far away from it, and I was admiring my new creation in the light of the stars and in the nights behind the planets. And all this was (and still is) very good.
- And I said to myself: I will choose a planet that is cool enough for man to live in.
- I will wait until the temperature falls below 100° (another constant that I had previously designed)
- The steams will fall like a heavy rain and will form the ocean.
- I will take water (because, despite of the popular belief, man consists mainly of water) and mix it with some solid soil (planet matter) and I will give the mud one of my favorite shapes and I will make a statue.
- And man will arise from that flood like Aphrodite.
- And he will look as if he originated from the sea.
- Then I will blow some of my spirit to the statue and give him life (movement) and conscience.
- And for centuries to come man will celebrate and reproduce this coming to life performing baptism.
- ISSUE: am I to spend the rest of my eternity making statues?
- Of course not! I have a solution. I will make man self-reproducing.
- To introduce self-reproduction I have two solutions:
- The grow-divide sort of thing whereby one individual gives birth to two new ones, and a more elegant "sexual reproduction" whereby two individuals give birth to a new one. Why not try them both?
- The first solution is pretty obvious: I will make the statue grow in size. When it doubles in volume it will brake in two parts, each of which parts will keep growing.
- I will use this solution if the statue has a perfectly symmetrical shape. Otherwise, the two parts will be too different from each other and I will soon run away from self-similarity and into big logical trouble (I am an intelligent being, aren't I?).
- And I will use this solution to make microorganisms that man will need later. I will also make the simpler building block of life in his body divide in the same way.
- And everybody will think that man is a highly reorganized colony of specialized microorganisms.
- If I want Man to have a less boring shape, then I need to apply my second solution.
- To start up with my second solution, I only need to make a second statue.
- To save effort, I will take matter, spirit and conscience from the first man and shape the second slightly different, so that they can reproduce sexually.
- Whatever the shape of the statue and whatever the mode of reproduction is, I will write the instructions for reproduction in the form of a chemical code which I will place inside each prototype statue and which will be copied and passed to the progeny at each instance of reproduction.
- Writing the chemical code was very easy because I had already designed the chemical constants, the atoms and the molecules. I only needed to re-organize them in a self-similar way so that they could auto-replicate.
- ISSUE: if men auto-multiply then they need matter and spirit (never mind conscience) to create newborns:
- Spirit was the main problem because they could find matter by drinking water and eating soil. Plants do so after all. Plants?... that's clever, they will eat plants!
- I, therefore, need to make a stock of matter and spirit in the form of (also auto-reproducing) animals and plants; man will use these resources in order to auto-create babies in his image and likeness. Like I do.
- And I will write a program of auto-creation whereby complex organisms arise from simpler ones.
- And whereby the matter and the spirit is passed from the creator to the creation until the creation gains independence and is able to live and auto-create without the help of its creator.
- Of course animals will also be able to auto-replicate without sexual contact but this method will be reserved to divine personalization and to dragon reproduction.
- ISSUE: Since, plants and animals will also be auto-reproducing, they will also need to have resources of matter and spirit. There will be competition for matter and spirit among animals, plants, and men.
- Did I say "competition"? I will, therefore, need to set some rules:
- First of all, no competitor is allowed to proliferate indefinitely and irresponsibly so as to use up all the matter and spirit available (because, in that case he will inevitably also extinguish himself in the end by having no more matter and no more spirit !)
- The number of babies each species is allowed will be limited to, roughly, the number needed to replace the individuals eaten by other species (I will explain my calculations below in a minute)
- Individuals that do not reproduce are not allowed to consume mater and spirit; therefore, they must definitely 'die', i.e. give up all their matter and spirit.
- The matter from dead individuals will be recycled by the plants to make more plants, then animals and men.
- ISSUE: what about the spirit and the conscience of dead individuals? should this be also recycled into newborns of any kind? or should it be returned back to me (so that I do not extinct myself because of my own creation?)
- Well, I admit I had a moral dilemma for a minute while trying to solve this. Truth to tell, if spirit is totally recyclable, then my creation will not need me any more because it would be a self-sustainable natural and mathematical system. Otherwise, I can still retain my control as to who needs and who merits my loan of spirit.
- But I am sure you have guessed. Every time I have a dilemma, I adopt all the possible solutions I can think of. Like for the modes of self-reproduction, I decided to apply both imaginable solutions for the fate of spirit and conscience: some individuals will have to render their spirit and their conscience to me, and some individuals will have them recycled, when they die.
- This way, not only do I prove that I am capable of creating a perfectly logical and self-sustainable nature but I also prove that I am indispensible and retain control on, at least part of, my creation.
- ISSUE: How many babies is each species should be allowed to produce? Or, in other words, how many individuals will be sacrificed for the recycling of matter, spirit and conscience ?
- The first idea that comes to mind is to calculate exactly the fixed number of deaths required for recycling and, then, allow the same fixed number of babies per individual (or per couple), for each species.
- No intelligent being (and certainly not me) would ever accept this stupid idea; it is never going to work for two simple reasons:
- Firstly, the calculation may well result in a non-integer number (say, 3.19 babies are allowed per couple because 3.19 individuals must die in order to give 2.96 kg of plant needed to feed an animal with enough matter and spirit so that that can reproduce by a rate of 8.63 babies per couple to feed, in turn, a young couple of men towards new reproduction).
- Even though I am omnipotent, I cannot imagine how one couple of men will make 3.19 babies!
- Secondly, what if a species that is programmed to give a fixed number of births per couple falls victim of accidents (you know, tsunamis, cyclones, volcanoes, you name it)? Every time an accident happens, a species with fixed reproduction will be trimmed; eventually it will go extinct.
- And because species will be inter-dependent, my whole creation will go extinct with it.
- Should I prevent such accidents from happening? Of course I could, but I don't want to. What would the fun be?
- Let's be serious! these are not 'accidents'; these are processes that are integral parts of my design of the universe at the star level. They are designed to serve man in the long term and at a higher level. Not each individual man, nor individual populations, but the humanity and its eternal survival. Man, being relatively thick, will never understand that what is good for the species as a whole is not necessarily good for each and every individual member of the species. The solution I obviously adopted instead is that the number of babies per couple and the number of deaths will be not fixed but variable.
- Thus the result of the calculation will merely be a mean number and the actual numbers of babies will be integer values distributed around that mean.
- For example, we can achieve a mean number of births of 3.19 babies per couple if some couples produce 3 babies and some 4: well... let's say a minimum of 0 and a maximum of N babies per couple.
- By defining the number of babies as a variable rather than a fixed number I solved the problem of giving birth to that 0.19 fraction of a baby (after having given birth to 3 other babies) but that would not avoid extinction of my creation due to cooling or heating of planets and other physical games I have in mind.
- Therefore, I have to allow the very 'mean number' of babies to be variable itself.
- For example, that mean number should be able to increase after an accident (so as to cover up the extra deaths) and, again, decrease back when there is no accident (or when there is an accident reducing the availability of the feeder species).
- One of the most interesting questions I posed to myself next is how do I design man, and all the species that he will require, so that individual couples give birth to different number of babies in space and time.
- Well, once I adopted the ingenious idea for variable mean numbers of babies, the answer was dead easy, and the solutions I could imagine, innumerable. And, of course, I have applied them all:
- Firstly, the number of babies a couple produces will depend on how long the couple lives before one of them gets eaten or dies by accident.
- However, you would not expect that an intelligent omnipotent designer would design a man whose reproductive fate depends purely on random statistical mechanics, would you?
- Besides, this pure chance factor would not solve the problem of replacement of accidental deaths and the need for variation of mean birth rate in space and time.
- Secondly, therefore, the number of babies produced in a lifetime will also depend on how much matter and spirit is required for a baby to be born and how fast a couple can accumulate those required resources.
- Logically, for a given size of baby, parents that consume mater and spirit faster can also produce babies faster than parents that consume slower.
- So, within a given lifetime, faster consumers will give birth to more babies than slow consumers could do: and so will do smaller animals compared to man himself.
- Yes! you understood very well: there is variation also in the rate of consumption of matter and spirit; once I accepted that I must use variation for the number of babies produced, variation is no longer a taboo and I could used it everywhere I needed it in my design of man.
- To sum up thus far, in my design of man I have included variation in the rate of consumption of matter and spirit, in the reproductive rate, in the death rate and in the lifetime of not only man himself but also of all those plants and animals that he should use as resources. The purpose of this design was to ensure that Man would survive, and would not disappear after repetitive geological accidents (which would be the case if reproduction were at a constant rate).
- Right ! I thought that this idea of variation was good !
- However, I had to also decide who, in practice, will produce 3 babies, who 4, and so forth.
- For the part of my creation that corresponds to the perfect self-sustainable nature, and of which I have no control, I left this decision mainly to chance.
- Except that, in the program of reproduction that I put into the prototype statues I included a subroutine that each baby will be different from its parents. But I did not determine what exactly the difference will be.
- So, two brother babies will have different differences from their parents and, hence they will also be different from each other.
- Self-similarity is good; identity is no good.
- Look how clever that idea was: because a population grows exponentially (at least in theory and in the absence of deaths) and there are more than one differences between each baby and its parents, the number of differences among all babies grows more than exponentially; which is to say: exponentially but to a higher power than that of exponential population growth.
- The bottom line is that no two individuals are the same within a species. And because two individuals are required for making a baby, therefore the differences can recombine in an infinite number of possible combinations.
- Which combinations will actually be realized, I will also leave chance and statistical mechanics to decide.
- If the population is large enough, there will certainly be combinations (couples) which will produce 4 babies, 3 babies, 2 babies etc. There will also be combinations that will produce no babies but I do not care... these will have to give up their matter and spirit to other couples that do reproduce.
- In this way, if a tsunami hits the coast, the area will more probably be re-colonized by the progeny of couples that produced 4 babies rather than that of couples that produced 3 or less.
- For similar reasons, if famine falls, couples with 4 babies will starve to death more likely than couples with only 3 or less babies.
- In this way, in the self-sustained part of my creation, the ecological space will be occupied by programmatic combinations that not only have survived catastrophes but were also able to re-occupy the open eco-spaces fast.
- All this will be governed by chance (probabilities) in collaboration with my own original program of reproduction that I put into the prototype statues.
- I have nothing else to do (I am redundant) for that part of my creation.
- For the other part of my creation - in which the spirit is not recyclable but has to be returned to me, and for which part I still have the control and the responsibility - I will also include rules other than chance. After all, it is my pure interest that this part of my creation expands and dominates the planet(s) so that my creation is conscious of who, and how powerful I am. The following are some additional elements of my design:
- I will have to decide who will survive famine and other disasters and I will have to decide who will make 4 babies or 3.
- ISSUE: OK, I will decide, but how will I tell them what to do? I am only a spirit; I have no substance; I have no voice; in what language will I speak?.
- SOLUTION: I will give man language so that he can understand my Word. Then I will select the best of them (remember, I have given them variation, so they are not all the same; there are those who are best and those who are worse: and where there is variation, there can be selection; at least divine selection...).
- And I will make of the best of them my prophets, apostles and priests.
- And I will take their form so they can see me (after all, haven't all gods done the same at some time? See demigod Heracles, son of Zeus and the mortal Alcmene)
- And I will teach them what to do in order to survive and proliferate:
- They should not kill each other.
- If they really need to kill somebody in order to liberate mater and spirit for their babies, then they should better kill from the self-sustainable part of my creation. That part is self-renewable.
- They should share the matter and spirit they find.
- They should never use contraception.
- ...
- Such will be the general framework of moral behavior I shall set as to help them survive and proliferate.
- For specific instructions, any further information and specialized advice on matters and details that are not covered in the general framework commandments, I will form and instruct a network of theologians and priests that will be able to interpret the framework for each particular case.
- Additionally, since I will give them language, they will be allowed and encouraged to formulate their queries and wishes and communicate them directly to me through prayer.
- Those that have stronger conscience of, and faith on, me will make more babies and will survive disasters.
- At least, they will think that they would have made even less babies and they would not have survived disasters without fate.
- This carefully planned framework of guidance will, obviously, give them a selective advantage over the part of my creation that is governed by chance alone (obviously, because chance cannot do better than purpose, guidance and/or intelligence)
- This service of guidance will be payable for only a symbolic fee or donation (“Tithe” = 10% of earnings), because the theologians and the priests will be dedicated full time thinkers and will not have other resources.
- ...
- Last, but not least, I will forbid knowledge.
- Yes, I forgot to say that I will put a brain in all the animal statues I make; because, by definition, all animals need to move.
- The brain will be the organ where the animal will store and retrieve information as to what direction to go.
- It will also coordinate the movement so that the body will efficiently feed or escape from predators.
- In the part of my creation where the spirit is recyclable, the brain will be allowed to evolve, i.e. to store and process information that is not directly related to movement but may coordinate other aspects of behavior.
- Since the brain will form an integral part of the body, it will be able to evolve by chance and recombination as every other part of the body.
- So, the cleverest individuals, as well as those with better coordination of behavior, will have more chances to escape predators, to survive disasters, to move to the right direction and to proliferate wherever and as fast as they judge right.
- All those add-on brain functions that result from brain evolution and are not directly related to body movement, and which I call "Knowledge", are essential for that part of my creation on which I have no control and therefore I cannot guide to eternal survival.
- From knowledge will derive the "Language" which will be the means by which knowledge will be reproduced and recombined both vertically (from generation to generation) and horizontally (from one individual to another).
- And from language will derive more knowledge.
- Both, knowledge and language will be fast evolving systems with full evolutionary features such as diversity mediated by mutation and recombination as well as a modular structure with modules having variable reproduction, variable fitness, fixation and extinction possibilities.
- And all these, in order to better serve the purpose of fast adaptation of man to new environments and maximize his chances for eternal survival.
- For the part of my creation where I hold, lent and control the spirit, knowledge is not necessary; it is rather detrimental.
- The brain will not be allowed to evolve, because nothing else evolves in that part anyway.
- Only the information directly related to movement and its coordination will be required and will be given to man like for every other animal.
- Eternal survival of that part of the creation will be assured after death, when the spirit will be returned and live eternally with me.
- Any development of knowledge will be punished. This will be the punishment: the individual who "Knows" - that he does not have to return his spirit to me - will have to find the road to survival alone: if he is fit, good for him; if not, there is dead death, with eventual re-incarnation of the spirit in whatever other organism in the best case.
- Knowledge will be symbolized with a bitten apple (the forbidden fruit of knowledge, like on the iMac) and language with an impossible tower (like Babel).
- In the part of the creation where spirit is recyclable, the diversity of languages will be a blessing because it will allow both language and knowledge to evolve.
- In the part of the creation where the spirit is returned to me, the diversity of languages will cause confusion, to the point that every effort of man to reach my intelligence will be abandoned.
- If man had knowledge, then he might know that the part of my creation where spirit is recyclable is self-sustainable and independent of my existence. Then, he would obviously decide not to render his spirit back to me when he dies. With all spirits consumed and not returned, I would soon go extinct.
- …
- This is how I designed man and the world where he lives in with the main principles being: variation, selection, mathematical rules (including chance) and freedom of choice: to know or not to know.
- So said the Designer God to me, his prophet, and this is the manifest of His new religion.
- Any resemblance to Christianity, Buddhism or Darwinism is purely coincidental.
- Jobs are open for prophets, priests and experimentalists.
- Please give a donation.